Choose the Best Lotion for Mild Ichthyosis Treatment

By now you have probably spent far too much time and money looking for a skin mild ichthyosis treatment that works and then been let down and disappointed as the results are far from what you need. Well, we believe your search is over! It works by our unique formulation and manufacturing process of natural acids dissolving and removing dead skin cells attached to the outer layer of skin (epidermis) and encourages new, healthy, hydrated cells to grow to leave your skin glowing and with an amazing feel. The other ingredients then come into play. The Jojoba oil and Shea Butter gently soften and hydrate the skin and the lotion's rich Vitamin A, B5, and E content penetrates deep into the skin leaving an invisible barrier to help stop moisture from leaving the skin. For more information about our lotion, please visit our website now!